Not everyone deserves your vulnerability. Not everyone deserves your time. Not everyone deserves your intimacy. Not everyone deserves your curiosity.. .

Not everyone deserves your vulnerability. Not everyone deserves your time. Not everyone deserves your intimacy. Not everyone deserves your curiosity.. .


I would recommend starting with THE BASICS: Boundaries + Consent.

I have several additional recorded classes that you can download or stream, and this page is kept up to date with upcoming live options. I’m frequently collaborating with colleagues to formulate new ideas for classes, so check my site and Instagram or sign up for the newsletter to stay in the know!

Your Group

I offer 2-session workshops for groups of your choosing, whether it’s your office, your friend group, cis men or any other identity who would like to work together, and any other way you’d like to build a group. Email me with information about your group, the size, and a little about your goals and I’ll be in touch to schedule a meeting to discuss it further.


Programs are long form and go deep. We’re currently offering:

Private Sessions

I offer private sessions in either an 8-week program or a 4-month program:

  • Consent Lessons for Cis Men

  • Boundaries + Your Business Coaching

  • Unblocked: Finding Your Creative Voice

This work is enormously supportive for anyone who feels the sense of having lost themselves somewhere along the way in work, creativity, or as it relates to people pleasing. Together we will build a practice for you, by you, that holds you accountable to yourself and to others.

Read more, see pricing, and book an affinity call to see if we’re a good fit here.

online consent classes boundaries los angeles mia schachter burnout


Individual Consulting

If you’d like to discuss anything from incorporating consent and boundary work into your own job to the nitty gritty of having a podcast, this option allows me to be fully present with you and give you a full hour, provide resources, check in with my own network and pass more information along, with the assurance of an exchange. 

Email me to see if this is a good fit for your work.

Intimacy Coordination

I am an Intimacy Coordinator for TV, Film, and Theater. I work locally in Los Angeles and New York. You can see my credits here.