PAPERBACK || Yes to No Spectrum Mini Workbook ZINE!!!!!


PAPERBACK || Yes to No Spectrum Mini Workbook ZINE!!!!!


Order by December 8th and I can mail it in time for Christmas. (I’m leaving town on the 12th so I won’t be able to ship after that.)

I made it! It’s a zine!

Front/back cover is card stock printed in color. The inside is black and white.

Shipping included.

“The Yes-No Spectrum is such a transformational tool! Before I found it, I couldn’t describe what I felt when approaching various situations, I struggled to talk through shared decisions, and I made big life changes impulsively or in a state of frozen numbness. With the Yes-No Spectrum, I have a framework for reconnecting with my body, a grounded structure for navigating decisions with others, and I can trust myself to make choices that keep me safe.”

"I feel like the yes to know spectrum has helped me be less judgmental and more gentle with myself. It's a super practical tool that aids my decision making and ability to communicate when I'm feeling overwhelmed or disconnected. Super grateful I found it"

"Few things are more important than the Yes-to-No Spectrum in consent education. Knowing where I am on the spectrum in different situations and responding appropriately are the most transformative practices!"

“It has helped to shape my understanding of boundaries both for myself and with others. Being able to visually check-in with myself using this framework has been a tool I continue to use and find necessary to help me identify and internalize what I really feel.”

“I use the yes to no spectrum quite often in my coaching work, and find it to be a remarkable tool for helping clients identify where in their body their authentic answers are. It also helps them to discover their patterns of how they have attempted to override their own consent in the past. It tends to be a breakthrough point for my clients, as well as a language we refer to as we progress through the work of accountability and boundary design.”

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